We Are brandcore.

Elevating intimate connections through immersive experiences.


About Us.

The dedicated team behind the Brandcore Tech consists of pioneers in the field of digital intimacy. With a passion for streamlining communication technology with the goal of strengthening personal bonds, Brandcore Tech is elevating intimate connections by creating an immersive experience to make users feel closer to their partners.


Our Products

Connexion App

The Connexion app represents our years of in-depth research and development to create the most user-friendly and secure experience. Enjoy next-level digital intimacy.

Launching in 2022.

Feel the Connexion.

The Connexion app connects users with their partners regardless of the distance between them while allowing them to feel each other’s touch in real-time. Bluetooth-enabled devices powered by Connexion technology can be controlled directly on the app from anywhere in the world! Users can communicate through video or chat while controlling each other’s devices for a truly personal experience that will feel as if you’re physically together.


Seamlessly Intimate

Connexion’s seamless connectivity and communication features were built with the goal of bringing relationships into the modern age with a one-stop platform for profound intimate connections.

Launching in 2022

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